Coole Fencing provides a wide variety of fencing options for both residential and agricultural customers. Whether it be privacy, boundary fencing, or decorative fencing that you require, Coole Fencing has a solution that will suit your particular requirements.

Popular Fencing options for residential customers include:

  • Post & Rail Fencing
  • Concrete H-Posts and Timber or Concrete Panels
  • Ship Lap Fencing
  • Picket Fencing
  • Boundary Fencing

A fireplace or stove forms a central point or feature in any room so be sure to set it off to best effect with a beautiful Timber Mantel. There is a wide selection of beautiful timbers to choose from including: Oak, Ash, Mahogany, Teak, Walnut, Spalted Beech, Beech and the very popular Waney Edged Oak. There is also a large range of matching corbels to choose from whether slim, chunky, regal or long is your preference.